Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Come On, Spring!

Well, Louisville survived the latest lashing that Mother Nature unleashed more than a week ago. I wish I could say that my car had survived as well. My poor little Kia suffered her demise underneath a huge tree at Rolf's apartment. Not the car in front of mine. Not the car just behind it. No. MINE. I am, oh, what would I say? Unlucky these days. When I got to my apartment, I didn't know whether to feel encouraged or doomed by the fact that a huge portion of a tree had fallen back there, right where my car would've been parked. Seriously. I'm hesitant to even walk outside today, for fear that I'll get struck by lightening.

Winterstorm '09 wouldn't have been so bad, except for the fact that both of us lost power for 5 days. It was much more enjoyable to be out of power during Windstorm '08 for the 8 days, as we had 75 degree weather and could stay up past dark playing Rummy (more like I was killing him at it!) and enjoying the lack of distractions (e.g. internet, tv, etc.). We did manage to have some fun though. Two sets of very kind friends took us in for a few days each. At Derek and Amy's we fit nine-yes NINE-people into one apartment, comprised of eight adults and little Josiah. But we cooked dinners together, played LOTS of Scrabble, and made an anatomically correct snowwoman named Lola. Allow me to introduce her:

Let me tell you, a stay-at-home mom's job is much more difficult that anyone can imagine. I feel that way right now, and I don't even have kids. "What do you do all day?" is the question I keep getting asked, when admitting to people that I still haven't found a job yet in spite of the fact that I acquired my Master of Public Health degree some EIGHT MONTHS ago. Ahem. Not that I'm bitter.
But really. Cooking meals, straightening the apartment, doing laundry for myself and for Rolf, grocery shopping, and so the list continues. I just wish I had a use for all of those cute little pants suits and pencil skirts that I've been investing in for the past couple of years, since grad school began.
I'm powering through the rest of this month. Frebruary tends to be so dreary, doesn't it? The end of winter is in sight, but yet it feels too far away at this point. The only thing to look forward to is my trusty green galoshes with tulips printed on them.

1 comment:

deyoungsters said...

poor car. do you have to get a new one?? we are car shopping, too... I had a little incident with Jesse's car a few weeks back. ahem.
glad you were safe though! and clarebee says hi. : )