Friday, May 30, 2014

The magic of summer

It's going to be a good summer. I get two almost whole days a week home with my Snugs and that is a wonderful thing. Every day I am thankful to have left my old workplace behind. I get paid to help families transition into life with a new little one? And to help people make healthy lifestyle changes? Really? I am fortunate.

This spring we experienced some of the magic of the still new Parklands area. Here are my two favorite people, enjoying the clean water in Floyds Fork. It was beautiful magic.

I was offered a full time job as a health coach but turned it down. It would've been a significant increase in pay from the health department, but I just couldn't put a price tag on getting that extra time with our Snugs each week. It seems to be working out the way it was supposed to. Sometimes I make decisions that don't look the wisest on paper, but my intuition tells me otherwise. I'm glad I listened to my intuition again. It rarely, if ever, proves me wrong. 

In the meantime, Snugs and I are currently surviving weekend #2 without Rolf. Last weekend was bike racing in Iowa, home for 48 hours, then back off. This time it's to Minnesota to celebrate his dad's retirement. I have great respect for the people who parent on their own. It is possible but exhausting. We're making the best of it though. Strawberry picking at Huber's tomorrow, and then a pool day on Sunday. 

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