Monday, August 17, 2009

I know, I've been a terrible blogger. It's true. Well, I've been busy. Getting used to the job, running, playing in the park, and planning a wedding. BECAUSE I'M GETTING MARRIED!

June 25, 2010. Mark it on your calendars, please. All three of you. I am marrying the love of my life.

How did he do it? In the park where we had our first "date", three years ago this month. It was so dark I could barely see the ring and he did it so quickly that I didn't know what was happening.

Ahem. Anyway. Normal, non-squealy voice resumes.

How do you go through all the madness of wedding planning and keep your focus and sanity? It gets a bit overwhelming, hmm? Please, let me know. Go. Get on that train.

More to come!


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