Monday, August 23, 2010

I'm Back

Well, I'm shamefully back to the blogging world, after a long hiatus filled with three weddings, a honeymoon, a mini-marathon, a new house, and more. What to say after all that time?

Weeellll......I don't really know. I feel like I've just run into an old acquaintance from high school, one I don't really think about anymore (and there are plenty of those, praise God) who asks with false sincerity, "Oh my gosh. So how are you? What's God been doing in your life?"

And so you awkwardly smile and say you're ridiculously happy and youjustmovedintoyourfirsthouseandgotmarriedtotheloveofyourlifeandthatgraduatedegreeisfinallypayingoffandpayingthebills...."

Etc., etc., etc.

And so.

Here we are. Oh right. The highlights. (P.S. Does anyone read this anymore?)

  • I got married to my best friend and love of my life. It was a wonderful day, one that is highlighted with wonderful close friends, laughter, 5 minutes of tears at Panera Bread after my makeup was carefully applied, hearing about my mom dropping the match for the Unity Candle that she repeatedly asked me to have at the ceremony (bless her heart), seeing countless friends and family who flew in just for the occasion, the sacrifice of so many dear ones who made it all happen, and my sweet, wonderful husband. The day was complete with a vintage car chauffeuring us to the reception site and our hotel room at The Seelbach (!!!!), all of which was a surprise gift from my parents. But the best part? Was knowing that it's official; I'm his and he is mine.
  • The funny parts? My mom dropping the match (as aforementioned), the minister forgetting to tell everyone to sit down, Rolf's niece pooping her diaper just as Annie was supposed to do a reading, anything and everything related to the groomsmen (in particular them waking up at 7:30am Eastern time--which is 5:30 am for most of them) just to come to the reception site to fluff balls, Rolf's ring not fitting, my dad's speech, my dearest, oldest friend Jen's speech, and being honorary Jewish people for a day while being put into chairs and thrust into the air.
  • We bought a house! Just a 1/2 mile from my old apartment, less than that from Emily's parents house, and a short distance away from Laura's parents' house, it's located in my old stomping grounds as a child and as a newly independent adult. Every day I feel so fortunate to live in a house where we can walk into both the park and also as many coffee shops, local stores, and restaurants as you can imagine on Frankfort Avenue. And with hardwood floors and huge windows, no less!
  • We went to Mexico on a honeymoon. I got a stamp in my passport! It's the little things, people. I'm not much of a flier, which is kind of....integral to leaving the country, more often than not. But we had a pretty fabulous week on the beaches of Playa del Carmen, building sand castles, gawking at the topless women (Seriously, American women, take notes from them. They are infinitely more comfortable with their bodies than probably 85% of us here, myself included. True story.)
I mean, that's about it on my end. Oh. OH! Except that I ran a mini-marathon. I DID it! That's right. I survived 13.1 miles, with THE BRONCHITIS, no less. True story. I feel so proud of myself for that accomplishment. At any rate, this is a terrible post and though I've been a terribly blogger, I am committing myself to improving it, in both quality and quantity. I'll just blame it on the poor writing I've encountered lately.

So, there's your update. All two of you. Stay tuned.

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