Thursday, August 22, 2013


Yesterday was Vivi's 16 month birthday. I forgot to take a picture. I'm okay with that right now. It's been quiet on the blog for months now. For a while I was disappointed in myself about not keeping up with it since I try to use this little corner of the interwebs to keep up the practice of writing. We've just been too busy living life lately though.
 I ran a half marathon in April on an injury that I'd been nursing since a 9 mile run back at the end of February.
 We left Louisville and our daily grind for a two week respite. The first week was spent at Amelia Island with my family, followed by a one week stay in Minnesota on Rolf's family's cabin in Walker, MN.
 Oh, and then there's that whole first experience of being away for two days without us. I'm not that mom that checked in every 3-4 hours on her, making sure that she was okay. Rolf's dad is a pediatrician and his mom is great with little ones, so I focused on the pure joy that comes with realizing you can go on your own schedule for 48 glorious hours, can acquire as much sleep as my body permits, and can engage in conversation with my husband without the distraction of diaper changes, meltdowns, and food being flung as you.
 It was probably the highlight of my summer.
 Rolf and I have our best conversations while we're keeping busy. In the past, it's most often been when we're hiking or on walks, and sometimes even during long card games. We want on a couple of really great bike rides together in MN. Even the bugs stayed away while we pedaled. Now we're back in the grind, but with a fall trip to New York planned for this October. It'll be my first trip there.
 Oh, life wasn't busy enough? Okay. How about adding in a course through the Mayo Clinic to become a wellness coach? And then, why not train for my first marathon?
 Saturday's run was my longest to date: 14 miles. Rolf told me after I came home from the 12 miler, whimpering with pain, "It's not amateur hour anymore." I can't tell you how often that's been on repeat in my head since he first said it. Nutrition is the hardest part. I'm either never full or never hungry and the latter really doesn't make a long run easy.
 Last weekend we went with some friends to their family farm. It reminded me of growing up where I did, on a winding road in the eastern part of the county, so rural that it really wasn't considered part of any town. The frogs and crickets sang loudly as we went to sleep that night. Vivi went on her first four wheeler ride (against my better judgement, though she remained unscathed and, in fact, fell asleep in the Ergo for much of it), petted horses for the first time, and we caught a glimpse at a life (relatively) free from technology and the mental clutter that comes with it.
 This week we've played host to a lovely bout of Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. Talk about an archaic-sounding name. We might as well say leprosy. All is fairly well though.

What's Vivster up to these days?
Walking like crazy
Says: Dada, bye bye, dog, Mama, uh oh, and attempts to say belly button and bath time.
Waves and says hi simultaneously gives kisses (open-mouthed, which we should have a chat with her about) Sleeps through the night (FINALLY)
Recently discovered dancing and now does it--even without music

 I'm working on finding my way, professionally. I look at where I'm at now and feel like I haven't progressed in the past year. I suppose the journey itself is progress, but it just doesn't feel like it when all you want is OUT of your current situation and maximize your abilities where they're valued. I'm in the midst of trying to piece together what I've learned during this journey. Countless meetings and interviews. Trying to figure out my focus. Trying to make sense of hearing "no" repeatedly, or, worse, not getting an answer.
Sometimes I'm too busy hashing things out in my head to actually get anything on paper. I'm guessing that's another thing that's been going on in recent months.
This weekend: a (shorter) long run, a get together with friends and their little ones in a well-loved park, a family birthday celebration, the Inronman competition and, hopefully, a little relaxation.

Happy (almost) weekend, y'all.

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