Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Taking Leaps

I haven't really taken a leap of faith for years now. After marrying a fellow Type A, "play everything out that you possibly can" kind of guy, it's no wonder that we create to-do lists on weekend, which often include items such as "relax" and "review this week's budget." Life with a mortgage, careers, and, namely, an eighteen month old can kick a bit of the spontaneity and blind faith decision-making to the curb.

Maybe the last time I really did something on faith was earlier in my twenties, when I applied for grad school to a program that I'd never really heard of before. Or maybe it was when I started dating someone I'd just met (whom I would later call my husband)? .... No. Those are all great examples but my last leap of faith was in turning down my first public health job after graduation. After several grueling months of filling out applications, all met with rejections before I'd even interviewed along with a few weeks of kiosk work in which I was positioned at a M&M product cart just outside of Claire's, a children's clothing store, and The Disney Store (brutal), I received a job offer for a health coordinator position. A few things didn't add up and I knew it'd be hard to get time off for other interviews if I accepted the job. I did what others around me believed to be crazy at a time where the economy was tanking, people were losing their retirement money, and no one was leaving their jobs.

I politely told them no.

I'm no longer in my early twenties. The frivolity and freedoms associated with that time have waned, though I wouldn't trade even the hardest of days with my sweetheart and precious girl for that time again. Those risky decisions carry so much more weight than they once did.

It has been a hard 15 months, in some ways. That's how long it took me to find a new job that would still give me a sense that I was using my skills for the better, yet striking the balance that I so wished for my family life.

Having said that, I am now working 25 hours a week--from home, even!--and am excited for this new venture. It was time. This decision required a tremendous act of faith and I have so much gratitude that my budget-enforcing (thank goodness!), logic-driven, future-minded husband who not only gave his blessing for this change, but told me that it was going to happen. "We'll make it work, somehow. We just have to get you out."

We've been hit with a few hard things since making that decision and not looking back. Sweet husband became afflicted with severe headaches for the first time in his life. I'm not convinced that they're not stress-induced, but that remains to be seen. We continue to hope and pray for answers that they are uncomplicated and not serious.

I was taken to the ER in the middle of the night a couple of weeks back for what turned out to be severe gallbladder problems. Out the organ came, in emergency surgery fashion. Can you hear the dollar bills flying past?

It would be a lie by saying we're not worried about it, or that we're confident about budgeting the holiday season this year. But we'll make it work. Somehow.

In just one month I turn 30. I've been reflecting on the blessings I've been given in the past decade of my life and am so thankful for what my twenties brought. I'm looking forward to what this new decade will bring.

I'm challenging myself to remain grateful for all these blessings and to remain faithful that things will work out, even when we're not sure how. Sometimes it's the right thing to do. 

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