Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What Makes You Feel Beautiful?

Apparently February is the month of love. That's what my favorite salon, Joseph's, said when they mentioned a contest which would allow 5 winners to receive a free $25 gift card. I am all about free gift cards for that wonderful mecca of hair products, makeup, and relaxation, so I figured I'd join in. What I didn't consider was that the contest would actually cause me to reflect considerably both before and after I entered.

The question they posted is what makes my day beautiful. Naturally, I unintentionally rephrased it to "What makes you feel beautiful?" and responded after much thought. This was my conclusion:
L to R Top: At a dear friend's wedding in October 2013, on an Amelia Island vacation in June 2013
L to R Bottom: Cherokee Park, circa 2008 and "First Selfie" in November 2013.

What makes me me feel beautiful? Or rather, what makes my day beautiful?

A date with my husband

Cuddling my Vivi girl, and seeing her eyes flicker with admiration and love for me

Connecting with nature

And superficially? A good hair day.


Those were my answers, but after thinking about it longer I came up with some other thoughts: I also feel beautiful when I contribute something meaningful--opinions, gifts, or anything in between. Seeing someone enjoy something I've cooked or baked. Helping someone in my community get healthy somehow. Reading a book just for pleasure. Seeing my freckles pop up in the summer. Receiving a compliment about an outfit I expressed my creativity through.

So often I wrestle with insecurities, which doesn't make me unique: the nose I wish was shaped nicer, the baby tooth that I never lost, the post-baby and post-gall bladder removal body, and my love/hate relationship with my hair.

It's easy to get caught up on what I don't like versus what I do. I know I'm not alone in this. Most everyone finds themselves criticizing their bodies or characteristics. Some days I struggle more than other days. Today I'm thankful for a little reminder from my favorite salon which encouraged me to ponder what makes me feel beautiful.

Thanks, Joseph's. Winner or not, I'm thankful for the opportunity to feel good about myself.

What makes you feel beautiful?

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